Peel 615
- Butler, William Francis (Sir) (1838-1910) [info]; Archibald, Adams George (Sir) (1814-1892) [info]. Report by Lieutenant Butler, 69th Regt., of his journey from Fort Garry to Rocky Mountain House and back, during the winter of 1870-71. [Winnipeg: s.n, 1871].
- Physical description: 23 p.; 34 cm.
- Language: English
- Also published as Report by Lieutenant Butler (69th Regt.) of his journey from Fort Garry to Rocky Mountain House and back: Under instructions from the lieut.-governor of Manitoba, during the winter of 1870-71 , Ottawa: Printed by Times Print. & Pub. Co., 1871 (1 leaf, 29p.). Includes instructions to Butler from Lieutenant-Governor Archibald. Report was also printed as an appendix in Peel 638. Butler was commissioned to report to Archibald on the smallpox epidemic raging among the Natives.
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