Peel 9060
- Berghofer, Desmond E.; Vladicka, Alan S.; Alberta. Advanced Education and Manpower. Access to opportunity, 1905-80: The development of post-secondary education in Alberta. [Edmonton]: Alberta Advanced Education and Manpower, 1980.
- Physical description: 84 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
- Language: English
- Foreword by Henry Kolesar.
- Subject headings:
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[ ▶ List3D Wall]
- [Cover]
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- Title Page
- [Unnumbered]
- [Unnumbered]
- [Unnumbered]
- Table of Contents
- Table of Contents
- 1
- 2:Illustration
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- 4:Map
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- 8:Illustration
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- 10:Map
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- 14:Illustration
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- 18:Map
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- 27:Map
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- 32:Illustration
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- 42:Illustration
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- 49:Map
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- 56:Illustration
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- 67:Bib
- 68:Bib
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- 81:Index
- 82:Index
- 83:Index
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- [Cover]