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Author Bio

5018: A war on poverty The one war that can end war . 1925?.
Partridge, Edward Alexander (1862-1931.)
1862-1931. Settled at Sintaluta, Saskatchewan, as a homesteader and schoolteacher, 1883; member of Yorkton Rangers, 1885; early apostle of farmer co-operative movements; organizer and first president of Grain Growers' Grain Co., 1906, but later lost the leadership because of visionary and radical ideas; first editor of Grain Growers' Guide, 1908; lost his foot in a binder accident; resigned from G.G.G. Co. board of directors, 1912; organized Square Deal Grain Co. which soon failed; founded a magazine to advance agrarian ideas; endeavoured to change the farmers' political philosophy; many of his ideas anticipated the CFF; also known as "That man Partridge" and "Partridge of Sintaluta" (Colquette, The first fifty years).