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Author Bio

540: Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 23rd February 1870, for copies of instructions to surveyors sent to North-West Territory, and statement showing the number of men employed, and the salaries to be paid Also copies of all Orders in Council relating to such surveys and reports of surveyors employed, with copies of all documents relative thereto . 1870.
Dennis, John Stoughton elder (1820-1885.)
1820-1885. Born at Kingston; commissioned a surveyor in Department of Crown lands, 1843; joined militia, 1855, rising to Brigade major of No.3 Military District, Toronto; placed in charge of surveying Northwest Territories, 1869; chiefly responsible for mapping prairies, and helping to precipitate Red River Rebellion; became Surveyor-General with Dominion Lands Branch, 1871; later deputy-minister of Department of Interior; father of John Stoughton Dennis (younger).

Other authors of Peel 540

  • Canada Department of the Secretary of State .