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Postcard 661

Court house and jail, Morden, Man.. c1912.
Description: Court house and jail viewed from long tree-lined driveway.
From: V.M. Ok[i]
To: Mr. Arthur Kahl
Address: Egeland, N. Dak.
Message: "Hello! Arthur: We're watching the old year out and will write a line while we wait. I'm attending so many dinner parties, don't know whether I'll be among the survivors or not. Leave here on Jan. 2nd (day after tomorrow) and will reach Egeland Mon. Jan. 6th Sincerely, yours, V.M. Ok[i]"
Other: written in ms. on front: New Year Greetings to all. Dec. 31 1912
Physical description: 1 postcard : b&w ; 9 x 14 cm.
Language: English
Subject headings:
Collection: Prairie Postcards