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Postcard 5145

Bell (Photographer) ; Wainwright Studio (Publisher) . Quinto pretty maid 5/8 buffalo cow. Mother of the cattalo in the Wainwright Park. Wainwright : Bell Photo; Wainwright Studio, Wainwright, Alberta, c1919.
Description : Domestic buffalo, Wainwright National Park, Alberta.
Postmark : 1919-07-04
From : Lara
To : Mr & Mrs H.D. Hinton
Address : Calfox, Wash.
Message : "Dear Papa Mama & Boy, Just a line to tell you I love you dearly. Jay has been writing all the news I will write soon Jay is just fine. Lovingly Lara"
Description matérielle : 1 postcard : b&w ; 9 x 14 cm.
Langue : anglais
Vedettes-matière :
Collection: Prairie Postcards