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University of Alberta Board of Governors Collection

The Board of Governors at the University of Alberta recognizes the generous commitment of time and service of members of the Board and those who have served on external committees by selecting and digitizing books in their name to be added to the Peel's Prairie Provinces collection.

View the archive of honourees: 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013| 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |




Dr. David Cooper, Member of the Board, 2014-2018

Peel 3573: Copping, Arthur Edward; Copping, Harold (Illustrator). The golden land: The true story and experiences of British Settlers in Canada. Toronto: Musson Book Co, 1911.

Ms. Sasha van der Klein, Member of the Board, 2018-2019; External Committee Member, Board of Safety, Health and Environment Committee, 2017-2018

Peel 10379: Co-op Hatcheries Alberta Poultry Marketers Ltd. It pays to raise Co-op chicks. [Edmonton]: Co-op Hatcheries Alberta Poultry Marketers Limited, 1951.

Mr. Reed Larsen, Member of the Board, 2018-2019

Peel 11088: World's Championship Rodeo at the White City, London, June 9th-July 6th, 1934. [London: Welbecson Press Limited, 1934].

Mr. Levi Flaman, Member of the Board, 2018-2019

Peel 7363: Peel, Bruce Braden; Knowles, Eric. The Saskatoon story, 1882-1952. Saskatoon: Melville A. East, 1952.

Mr. Glenn Stowkowy, Member of the Board, 2016-2019

Peel 9043: Ford, George Cephas; University of Alberta. Faculty of Engineering. Sons of Martha: University of Alberta Faculty of Engineering, 1913-1988. Edmonton: Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta, 1988.

Mr. J. M. (Jim) Drinkwater, External Committee Member, Board of Investment Committee, 2005-2019

Peel 3903: Howard, Henry. Canada: The western cities: Their borrowings and their assets. London: Investor's Guardian, 1914.

Mr. Gordon (Gord) Winkel, External Committee Member, Board of Safety, Health and Environment Committee, 2011-2018

Peel 11381: Calgary Power Ltd. The shocking truth.[Calgary?: Calgary Power Limited, 196-?].

Mr. Stuart Lee, External Committee Member, Board Audit and Risk Committee (Board Audit Committee), 2013-2019

Peel 11549: MacDonald, W. H.; Alberta. Alberta Travel Bureau. Fishing in Alberta. [Edmonton]: Alberta Travel Bureau, Department of Economic Affairs, 1951.




Ms. Marina Banister, Member of the Board, 2017-2018

Peel 7443: Cavanaugh (editor); Catherine; Warne, R. R. (editor). Standing on new ground: Women in Alberta. [Edmonton]: University of Alberta Press, 1993.

Mr. LeRoy Johnson, Member of the Board, 2014-2018

Peel 10680: Camrose Canadian (editor); Lions Club (Camrose, Alta.) (contributor). The golden trail. Camrose, Alta.: Lions Club of Camrose, 1955.

Mr. Allister McPherson, Member of the Board, 1997-2018

Peel 5455: Leedy, John W. (1849-1935). The proposed provincial banking law for the province of Alberta. Edmonton: The Author, 1930?.

Mr. Mike Sandare, Member of the Board, 2017-2018

Peel 794: Ward, B. Peyton. Roughing it in the North-West Territories of Canada twenty years ago. London: Worrall & Robey, 1896.

Mr. Babak Soltannia, Member of the Board, 2017-2018

Peel 11246: Edmonton Stamp Club; Royal Philatelic Society of Canada. Catalogue: CANPEX '64, Canadian National Philatelic Exhibition. [Edmonton?: Edmonton Stamp Club?, 1964].

Mr. Richard W. Wilson, Acting Chair of the Board, 2015-2016; Vice-Chair of the Board, 2013-2018; Member of the Board, 2007-2010 and 2012-2018

Peel 9073: McIntosh, Gordon (editor); Spencer, Mary (1923-) (editor); Dier, Kay (1922-) (editor); University of Alberta. Association of Professors Emeriti. Echoes in the halls: An unofficial history of the University of Alberta. Edmonton: Duval House Publishing, 1999.




Ms. Faiza Billo, Member of the Board, 2015-2017

Peel 11355: University of Alberta. Faculty of Arts. 100 years of languages and literatures in the Faculty of Arts. [Edmonton]: Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta, 2008.

Mr. Colin Champagne, Member of the Board, 2016-2017

Peel 10403: Sonet, Edouard. Maison de pension pour étudiants: comédie. Toronto: Macmillan Company of Canada, 1947.

Ms. Sarah Ficko, Member of the Board, 2016-2017

Peel 10497: Ellis, Joseph Henry; Manitoba. Dept. of Agriculture. The land for thine inheritance. [Winnipeg]: Department of Agriculture, [1941].

Mr. James Heelan, Member of the Board, 2013-2017

Peel 5475: Mooney, Daniel. The travels, and philosophy and life and times of Daniel Mooney: Born in the year 1860 on the Dublin Road between Banbridge and Drommore, County Down, Ireland: An Irish exile. Winnipeg: The Author, 1930.

Mr. Barry James, Member of the Board, 2014-2017

Peel 10076: Winspear, Francis G. Out of my mind. Victoria: Morriss Printing Company, 1969.

Ms. Shenaz Jeraj, Vice-Chair of the Board, 2013-2017; and Member of the Board, 2010-2017

Peel 9056: Smillie, Keith; University of Alberta. Dept. of Computing Science. The Department of Computing Science: The first twenty-five years. Edmonton: University of Alberta, Department of Computing Science, 1991.

Mr. Steven LePoole, Member of the Board, 2013-2016; and External Committee Member, Board Finance and Property Committee, 2011-2013

Peel 4926: Leys, J. J. Nederlandsche kolonisten in Canada (=Dutch settlers in Canada). [Doetinchem, Netherlands: Berrevoets, 1924].

Mr. Robert Parks, Member of the Board, 2014-2017

Peel 9257: Williams, M. B. (Mabel Berta). The heart of the Rockies. Hamilton: H.R. Larson, [ca. 1950].

Mr. Fahim Rahman, Member of the Board, 2016-2017

Peel 10077: Harris, Walter Edgar. University of Alberta. Dept. of Chemistry. Department of Chemistry: History and memoir, 1909-2003. Edmonton: Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, 2003.

Dr. Jeremy Richards, Member of the Board, 2015-2017

Peel 5457: Loudon, William James. A Canadian geologist. Toronto: Macmillan, 1930.

Mr. Nizar Somji, Member of the Board, 2013-2016

Peel 6348: Blue, John. Association of Professional Engineers of Alberta. History of the association, and Alberta engineering profession register, August 15th, 1940. [Edmonton: s.n, 1940].



Mr. Robert Borrelli, External Committee Member, Board Finance and Property Committee, 2014-2017

Peel 5915: Rosenberg, Louis. Who owns Canada?: An examination of the facts concerning the concentration of ownership and control of the means of production, distribution and exchange in Canada. Regina: Saskatchewan C.C.F. Research Bureau, [1935].

Mr. David Ferro, External Committee Member, Board Safety, Health and Environment Committee, 2013-2017

Peel 10096: Edmonton (Alta.). By-laws regulating the construction, sanitation, maintenance and inspection of buildings. [Edmonton]: City of Edmonton, 1923.

Mr. William Lau, Member of the Board, 2014-2015; and External Committee Member, 2015-2017

Peel 10380: University of Alberta. Your university, 1944. Edmonton: University of Alberta, [1944].





Mr. Douglas O. Goss, Chair of the Board, 2012-2015

Peel 6841: Edmonton Industrial Development Board. Edmonton, the city with a great future. Edmonton: Industrial Development Board, 1946?.

Ms. Jane Halford, Member of the Board, 2013-2016

Peel 4320: MacGregor, Daisy; Canadian Women's Press Club. Calgary Branch. The Alberta club woman's blue book, 1917. [Calgary]: Canadian Woman's sic Press Club, Calgary Branch, [1917].

Mr. Azhar Khan, Member of the Board, 2015-2016

Peel 2126: Brown, William Foster. The settler's guide, or, The homesteader's handy helper: Useful hints and information: How to avoid mistakes in time: Prevention is better than cure: Handy guide to earning a free home. Montreal: William Foster Brown Co, 1894.

Ms. Navneet Khinda, Member of the Board, 2015-2016

Peel 4302: Edwards, Henrietta Muir (1849-1931) (compiler). Legal status of women of Alberta as shown by extracts from Dominion and provincial laws. Edmonton: Department of Extension, University of Alberta, 1917.

Mr. Colin More, Member of the Board, 2015-2016

Peel 4622: Nolte, Joseph. Glimpses behind nature's veil. [Stettler, Alta.?]: The Author, 1920.

Mr. Christopher Pu, Member of the Board, 2012-2015

Peel 9028: Macbeth, Robert. William Fulton Gillespie, B.A., M.A., M.B., M.S., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S.C., 1891-1949. [S.l.: s.n, 1997?].

Mr. Michael H. Ross, Member of the Board, 2014-2016; External Committee Member, 2013-2014

Peel 5397: An empire in the making: Edmonton, the gateway: The resources and opportunities of the Peace and MacKenzie river areas. [Edmonton: Town Topics Publishing], 1930.

Mr. Ralph Young, Chancellor and Ex-Officio Member of the Board, 2012-2016

Peel 9034: Johns, Walter Hugh (1908-). A history of the University of Alberta, 1908-1969. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1981.

Mr. Robert H. Teskey, Member of the Board, 2009-2016

Peel 9067: Corbet, Elise A. Frontiers of medicine: A history of medical education and research at the University of Alberta. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1990.



Mr. Ken Bancroft, External Committee Member, Board Investment Committee, 1997-2016

Peel 10285: University of Manitoba; Manitoba. Dept. of Municipal Affairs; Manitoba Municipal Secretary-Treasurers' Association. Extension course in municipal administration and public finance: A reprint of addresses delivered during the extension course held at the University of Manitoba. [Winnipeg]: University of Manitoba, [1948?]-[1961?].

Ms. Barbara Belch, External Committee Member, Board Investment Committee, 2001-2016

Peel 10317: Edmonton (Alta.). Edmonton, the first fifty years: 50th anniversary. Edmonton: City of Edmonton, [1954?].

Mr. Harsh Thaker, External Committee Member, Board Safety, Health and Environment Committee, 2015-2016

Peel 9040: Scott, John W.; University of Alberta. The history of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Alberta, 1913-1963. [Edmonton]: University of Alberta, 1963.





Mr. Nathan Andrews, Member of the Board, 2014-2015

Peel 2902: Whates, Harry Richard (d.1923). Canada, the new nation: A book for the settler, the emigrant and the politician. London: J.M. Dent & Co, 1906.

Dr. Miodrag (Mike) Belosevic, Member of the Board, 2012-2015

Peel 10558: Rawson, D. S. (Donald S.) (1905-); Atton, F. M.; Saskatchewan. Fisheries Branch. Biological investigation and fisheries management at Lac la Ronge, Saskatchewan. [Regina]: Fisheries Branch, Saskatchewan Department of Natural Resources, 1953.

Mr. Sangram Hansra, Member of the Board, 2014-2015

Peel 6817: Alberta. Legislative Assembly. The Bill of Rights: Introduction, summary, the Act, questions, & answers: Alberta's charter of freedom. [Edmonton]: King's Printer, 1946.

Mr. William Lau, Member of the Board, 2014-2015

Peel 10380: University of Alberta. Your university, 1944. Edmonton: University of Alberta, [1944].

Mr. Don Matthew, Member of the Board, 2008-2014

Peel 10031: Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company. The North American alps, Canadian Rockies: Mount Robson route, new trails through new playgrounds for the tourist, the alpinist and sportsman. [S.l.: Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company, 1916?].

Dr. Indira Samarasekera, University President and Vice-Chancellor and Ex-Officio Member of the Board, 2005-2015

Peel 9303: Corbett, E. A. (Edward Annand) (1884-1964). Henry Marshall Tory, beloved Canadian. Toronto: Ryerson Press, [1954].


Mr. Simarjit ‘Monty’ Bal, External Committee Member, Board Safety, Health and Environment Committee, 2013-2015

Peel 7445: Ascah, Robert L. (Robert Laurence) (1954-). Politics and public debt: The Dominion, the banks and Alberta's Social Credit. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1999.





Mr. Brent Epperson, Member of the Board, 2013-2014

Peel 9871: Alberta. Social Credit Board. Prepare now! A suggested programme of post-war reconstruction embodying the features essential to British democracy. Edmonton: Social Credit Board, 1943.

Mr. Don Fleming, Member of the Board, 2011-2014

Peel 10387: Alberta. Dept. of Education. School divisions in Alberta: Pioneering in school administration. Edmonton: Department of Education, 1945.

Ms. Agnes Hoveland, Member of the Board, 2007-2014

Peel 10518: Camrose Lutheran College (Camrose, Alta.). Camrose Lutheran College, Camrose, Alberta. [Camrose, Alta.: Camrose Lutheran College, 1945].

Mr. Brent Kelly, Member of the Board, 2012-2014

Peel 10123: Gateway (Edmonton, Alta.). The Gateway writer's guide: A handy handbook of helpful hints. [Edmonton: The Gateway], 1955.

Mr. Petros Kusmu, Member of the Board, 2013-2014

Peel 10505: Co-operative Commonwealth Youth Movement. C.C.Y.M. sings. Regina: Co-operative Commonwealth Youth Movement?, 194-?].

Mr. Ove Minsos, Member of the Board, 2010-2014

Peel 7166: Alberta. Department of Economic Affairs; Alberta. Industrial Development Branch. Economic survey of the city of Edmonton. Edmonton: [Department of Economic Affairs, 1950].

Mr. Bernd Michael Reuscher, Member of the Board, 2011-2014

Peel 3920: Maron, Gotthard L. (d.1931?). Facts about the Germans in Canada. Winnipeg: Der Nordwesten, 1913?.

Mr. Wayne Renke, Member of the Board, 2012-2014

Peel 2569: Law Society of the North-West Territories. Rules and regulations of the Law Society of the North-West Territories: Incorporated 1898, promulgated 1st May 1901. Regina: Printed at "The Leader" Office, 1901.



Dr. Ross Danyluk, External Committee Member, Board University Relations Committee, 2011-2014

Peel 1962: Ogilvie, William (1846-1912). Report on the Peace River and tributaries in 1891. Ottawa: S.E. Dawson, Queen's Printer, 1892.

Ms. Louise Hayes, External Committee Member, Board University Relations Committee, 2010-2014

Peel 1621: Lacombe, Albert (1827-1916) (introduction); Canada. Department of Indian Affairs. First reader in the English and Blackfoot languages, with pictures and words: Prepared by order of the Department of Indian Affairs for the use of industrial schools among the Blackfoot tribes in the North West Territories. Montreal: C.O. Beauchemin, 1886.

Dr. Bob Kamp, External Committee Member, Board Investment Committee, 1997-2014

Peel 6992: Alberta. Publicity and Travel Bureau. These are the facts: An authentic record of Alberta's progress, 1935-1948. Edmonton: Alberta Publicity Office, 1948?.





Dr. Ashlyn Bernier, Member of the Board, 2012-2013

Peel 6251: Alberta. Provincial Marketing Board. What Alberta makes, makes Alberta: Directory of made-in-Alberta goods and Alberta manufacturers. [Edmonton: King's Printer], 1939?.

Mr. Jim Hole, Member of the Board, 2010-2013

Peel 5444: Howitt, M. H.. Beautifying the home grounds of Canada. Ottawa: Experimental Farms Branch; of the Federal Department of Agriculture and Canadian Horticultural Council, 1930.

Mr. Javaid (Jerry) Naqvi, Member of the Board, 2010-2013

Peel 3480: Robins, Kingman Nott (d.1923). The province of Alberta, Dominion of Canada: A report on the rich and varied resources of this famous region: With special reference to the opportunities offered for lending on farm mortgages. Rochester, N.Y.: Associated Mortgage Investors, 1910.

Mr. Colten Yamagishi, Member of the Board, 2012-2013

Peel 5263: Magrath, Charles Alexander (1860-1949). The Galts, father and son: Pioneers in the development of southern Alberta, and, How Alberta grew up: A brief outline of development in the Lethbridge district. Lethbridge, Alta.: Lethbridge (Alberta) Herald, 1935?.



Ms. Kelly Baptista-Wyatt, External Committee Member, Board Safety, Health and Environment Committee, 2009-2013

Peel 10351: Canadian Herbal & Chemical Co. The herb doctor and medicine man: A collection of valuable medicinal formulae and guide to the manufacture of botanical medicines. Saskatoon: Canadian Herbal and Chemical Company, [193-?].

Mr. Brian Hesje, External Committee Member, Board Audit Committee, 2007-2013

Peel 10378: Calgary (Alta.). Official motorists' manual: Containing (revised) traffic by-laws. Calgary: City of Calgary, [19--?].





Dr. Robert Campenot, Member of the Board, 2009-2012

Peel 6878: Orchard, William John (1869-1948). Kitchen middens: Prehistoric campsites. Regina: School Aids and Text Book Publishing Co, 1946.

Mr. Gordon Clanachan, Acting Chair, 2011-2012; Vice-Chair, 2009-2012; Member, 2006-2012; External Committee Member, 2001-2006

Peel 3559: Bryce, George (1844-1931). The Scotsman in Canada: Western Canada, including Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and portions of old Rupert's Land and the Indian territories. Toronto: Musson Book Co, [1911].

Mr. Roy Coulthard, Member of the Board, 2010-2012

Peel 247: Tytler, Patrick Fraser (1791-1849); Ballantyne, Robert Michael (1825-1894). The northern coasts of America and the Hudson's Bay territories: A narrative of discovery and adventure. London & Edinburgh: T. Nelson & Sons, 1853.

Mr. Marc de La Bruyère, Member of the Board, 2006-2012

Peel 1731: Ham, George Henry (1847-1926). The new West: Extending from the Great Lakes across plain and mountain to the golden shores of the Pacific: Wealth and growth: Manufacturing and commercial interests: Historical, statistical, biographical. Winnipeg: Canadian Historical Publishing Co, 1888.

Mr. Raphael Lepage Fortin, Member of the Board, 2011-2012

Peel 447: Milton, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam viscount(1839-1877); Cheadle, Walter Butler (1835-1910); Belin de Launay, Jules Henri Robert (1814-1883) (translator). Voyage de l'Atlantique au Pacifique: à travers le Canada, les Montagnes Rocheuses et la Colombie anglaise. Paris: L. Hachette, 1866.

Dr. Louis Hugo Francescutti, Member of the Board, 2009-2012

Peel 9210: Greig, A. R.; Beale, L. B.; British Columbia. Forest Service. Farm houses. Victoria: British Columbia Department of Lands, Forest Service, 1916.

Ms. Linda Hughes, Chancellor and Ex-Officio Member of the Board, 2008-2012

Peel 3138: Cameron, Agnes Deans (1863-1912). The new North: Being some account of a woman's journey through Canada to the Arctic. New York & London: D. Appleton & Co, 1909.

Mr. Rory Tighe, Member of the Board, 2011-2012

Peel 10024: Canadian Pacific Railway Company. The challenge of the mountains. [Montreal?]: Canadian Pacific Railway Company, [1908].



Ms. Lynne Duncan, External Committee Member, Board Investment Committee, 2001-2012

Peel 5914: McClung, Nellie Letitia Mooney (1873-1951). Clearing in the West: My own story. Toronto: Thomas Allen, [1935].

Ms. Tamara Korassa, External Committee Member, Board Safety, Health and Environment Committee, 2011-2012

Peel 9878: Campbell Floral Seeds and Nurseries Limited (Calgary, Alta.). 1927 gardeners' guide. Calgary: Campbell Floral Seeds and Nurseries Limited, [1927].





Mr. Brian Heidecker, Member and Chair of the Board, 2000-2011

Peel 3908: Kelly, Leroy Victor (1880-1956). The range men: The story of the ranchers and Indians of Alberta. Toronto: William Briggs, 1913.

Mr. C. H. William Cheung, Member of the Board, 2008-2011

Peel 1871: Coutlée, Louis William (1851-1917). A manual of the law of registration of titles to real estate in Manitoba and the North-West Territories. Toronto: Carswell & Co, 1890.

Mr. Nick Dehod, Member of the Board, 2010-2011

Peel 4915: Hanna, David Blythe (1858-1938); Hawkes, Arthur (1871-1933) (editor). Trains of recollection: Drawn from fifty years of railway service in Scotland and Canada, and told to Arthur Hawkes. Toronto: Macmillan Co, 1924.

Mr. Craig Turner, Member of the Board, 2010-2011

Peel 6802: Thomas, Lewis Gwynne (b.1914). The University of Alberta in the war of 1939-45. Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1948.

Mr. Solomon Rolingher, Member of the Board, 2005-2011

Peel 4996: Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. Military Chapter, Calgary. The Military Chapter cook book. Calgary: Military Chapter, 1925.

Mr. Jay Nagendran, Member of the Board, 2008-2011

Peel 10444: Ricker, M. Belle. Alberta. Toronto: Copp Clark, [c1949].



Ms. Phyllis Kobasiuk, External Committee Member, Board University Relations Committee, 2006-2011

Peel 2459: Lowe, C. A. (compiler) . Lowe's directory of the Edmonton district, 1899: Containing full information of [sic] towns, villages and country districts, schools, churches, etc.. Edmonton: Advertiser Publishing Co, [1899].

Mr. Fred Barth, External Committee Member, Board Investment Committee, 2004-2011

Peel 5489: Peterson, Charles Walter Christian (1868-1944). Wheat—the riddle of markets: A brief study of the production, sale, and consumption of wheat. Calgary: Farm & Ranch Review, 1930.

Ms. Loraine Oxley, External Committee Member, Board Audit Committee, 2006-2011

Peel 6253: Alberta. Social Credit Board. The records tell the story: 1905-1936, 1936-1939: Read it for yourself. [Edmonton: King's Printer, 1939].

Mr. Doug McCutcheon, External Committee Member, Board Safety, Health and Environment Committee, 2000-2011

Peel 7174: Canadian Red Cross Society. " Call 320": A documentary record of the 1950 Manitoba flood and Red Cross activities in the disaster. [Winnipeg?]: Manitoba Division, Canadian Red Cross Society, 1950.





Mr. Steve Dollansky, Member of the Board, 2009-2010

Peel 3337: Saskatchewan. Department of Agriculture. Saskatchewan, Canada. Regina: s.n, [1909].

Mr. Zach Fentiman, Member of the Board, 2010

Peel 9036: Lister, Reginald Charles (1891-1960); Gowan, Elsie Park (editor); University of Alberta. My forty-five years on the campus. [Edmonton]: University of Alberta, [1958].

Mr. Gerard Protti, Member of the Board, 2004-2010

Peel 6346: Beach, Floyd Kellogg (1884-1964); Irwin, John Langhorne (1883-1956). The history of Alberta oil. Edmonton: Publicity and Travel Bureau, 1940?.

Mr. Bruce Saville, Member of the Board, 2004-2010

Peel 7284: Obodiac, Stanlee (1922-1985). No substitute for victory: The story of the Canadian world hockey victory. Yorkton, Sask.: Printed by The Redeemer's Voice Press, 1952.

Mr. Don Sieben, Member of the Board, 2004-2010

Peel 9864: Liddell, Ken; Royal Bank of Canada. The investiture of James Muir, D.C.L., President of the Royal Bank of Canada, as Hon. Chief Eagle Ribs in the Blood Indian Tribe, Blackfoot Confederacy. [Montreal: Royal Bank of Canada, 1954?].



Mr. Ken Chapman, External Committee Member, Government Relations Sub-Committee, 2008-2010

Peel 5427: Edmonton. Collège Saint-François-Xavier. Collège Saint-François-Xavier sous la direction des Pères de la Compagnie de Jésus: premier souvenir annuel, Edmonton, 1930. Edmonton: Imprimerie La Survivance, [1930].

Mr. Lou Hyndman, External Committee Member, Government Relations Sub-Committee, 1998-2010

Peel 2131: Canada. Department of the Secretary of State. Copies of all ordinances, school regulations and amendments thereto: Adopted by the Legislative Assembly, the executive, and any board or council of education: In reference to the establishment, maintenance and administration of schools in the North-West Territories since 1885: Also for copies of all petitions, memorials and correspondence thereto: Also for copies of all orders in council, reports of the Governor-General in Council, and all communications and representations to the authorities in the North-West Territories. [Ottawa: Department of the Secretary of State, 1894].

Mr. Martin Kennedy, External Committee Member, Government Relations Sub-Committee, 2008-2010

Peel 4026: Hamer Jackson Publishing Company. Edmonton to Peace River and the north country: Guide, with map of north country: A pocket guide to Edmonton, Peace River and the north containing accurate and reliable information for benefit of the settlers and tourists seeking pleasure or business opportunities. Edmonton: Hamer Jackson Publishing Co, 1914.

Dr. Sandy Murray, External Committee Member, Safety, Health and Environment Committee, 2002-2010

Peel 3602: Jamieson, Heber Carss (1879-1962). Early medicine in Alberta: The first seventy-five years. Edmonton: [Canadian Medical Association, Alberta division, 1947].

Dr. Eric Newell, External Committee Member, Government Relations Sub-Committee, 2008-2010

Peel 789: Petitot, Émile Fortuné Stanislas Joseph (1838-1917). Dictionnaire de la langue Dènè-Dindjié, dialectes montagnais ou chippewayan, peaux de lièvre et loucheux, renfermant en outre un grand nombre de termes propres à sept autres dialectes de la même langue; précédé d'une monographie des Dènè-Dindjié, d'une grammaire et de tableaux synoptiques des conjugaisons. Paris: E. Leroux, 1876.

Ms. Audrey Poitras, External Committee Member, Community and Government Relations Sub-Committee, 2006-2010

Peel 1555: Tremblay, Ernest (1852-1904). Riel: réponse à Monsieur J.A. Chapleau. St-Hyacinthe, Que.: Des Presses à vapeur du "l'Union", 1885.

Ms. Michèle Stanners, External Committee Member, Government Relations Sub-Committee, 2002-2010

Peel 4201: Canadian Women's Press Club. Edmonton Branch. Club women's records, Edmonton: Women's Institutes of Alberta, United Farm Women of Alberta. [Edmonton]: Canadian Women's Press Club. Edmonton Branch, 1916.

Collection Stats

Bibliographic records :14,389
Nombre total de documents :8,922
Nombre total de pages :874,882
Numéros de journaux :66,932
Pages de journaux :645,997
Newspaper Articles :4,901,358
Images :16,298